
Creat de Intersect, Martie 19, 2014, 07:32:52 PM

« precedentul - următorul »

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Mihaif99 cica buzz bait a murit,ai vazut vreodata asa ceva?Imita un banc de pesti cum spunea Modi dar parca este prea....
Ce spui?Chiar asa? ;D Rover.marius o stiai pe asta  :).

The Alabama Rig and the many castable bass umbrella rigs it spawned lost some of its appeal in the 12 months for many anglers. But what we've found fishing with anglers who have adapted, the rig is still as effective as other lures in the tackle box. Anglers should 1) realize what has changed in fishing bass umbrella rigs and then 2) employ some new thinking to the bass fishing rig.

Changes squelched the demand for umbrella rigs, temporarily

Basically 2 things led to bass umbrella rigs becoming just another tool in an anglers tackle box:

   environmental conditions effects on fish
   competition conditioned the bass
First, a little background on why the rig was so prominent last year but not as much this year.

The craze of the rig is history
The Alabama Rig generated a tsunami across the bass fishing tackle landscape in the fall of 2011. Andy Poss took a simple 5-wire umbrella rig and applied it to it for bass fishing. When Paul Elias won the FLW Tour event on Lake Guntersville in October of 2011 with 100 pounds of bass, a time when most anglers were saying the fishing was horrible, the flood came almost immediately.

Anglers were willing to pay $50 to $100 for one rig. Guys were tying wires in their kitchen. The bass lure market exploded with thousands of castable bass umbrella rigs. The bait shops were flooded with new contraptions for rigging the hundreds of various swimbaits on the market. Shops couldn't keep their shelves stocked with rigs, jigheads or swimbait bodies on fisheries like the Tennessee River, Table Rock, Grand Lake, the Alabama River and many more.

Yet fast forward to now and most tackle shops have a surplus of both umbrella rigs and swimbaits. Things obviously have changed.

The forage came and went with the wind
The wind can affect fishing, but water temperatures, current flow, water clarity and other environmental factors affect the bass and the forage more. Last fall/winter, there had been significant rainfall across the country that put a little color in the water of many of the nation's fisheries. The resulting flooding generated consistent current that seemed to keep the bass feeding in groups.

Warmer than average temperatures spawned an explosion of forage. The bass roamed nomadicly, grouping up to ambush bait instead of relating to contours and bottom composition. A lot of baitfish suspended and so did a lot of bass. It was a perfect storm for the Alabama Rig. The suspending fish, which were normally very hard to catch, seemed almost too easy to catch on 5 swimbaits raked over their heads.

This year however we had almost exact opposite conditions around the country. A lot less precipitation, a lot less current flow, a lot more scattered bass and forage that was not suspending. Then winter seemed to come almost two months early bringing much colder water temperatures, extremely clear water and a lot less schooling bass.

Competition conditioned the bass
Bass get conditioned. I've seen a school get conditioned in minutes to a certain lure and a simple lure change gets them fired right back up. I've seen days where a guy throwing one bait crushes his buddy's hopes and dreams on just slightly different bass lures.

Last fall and winter the lakes were overcrowded with boats full of anglers chunking 5-swimbaits at a time haphazardly for bass. I'm sure this year started out much the same, but as folks have quit having success, they've quit braving the elements.

The bass umbrella rig storm was over for many. It is no longer just a matter of going down the bank throwing five lures instead of one. But the truth of the matter is there are many anglers across the country still having a lot of success with the umbrella rigs.

It didn't end bass fishing like many predicted. It didn't become the only lure you had to throw to be competitive in bass fishing tournaments. It didn't even become a factor for most tournaments this year.

Quite simply, it became another weapon to trick our favorite quarry. It followed the same path as the buzzbait, the topwater frog or the Senko. All effectively deceive bass. But they don't work all the time in all conditions. The Alabama Rig, the Yumbrella, the Flash Mob, the Cure, the Roll Tide Rig, the Schooling Rig, the Yellow Hammer Rig and all the other versions of bass umbrella rigs simply became another spinnerbait, crankbait, jig or worm in your tackle box in the span of a year.

But there are still ways to make the most of these bass lures, and I'll dive into that in part two of our look at the changing approach to using bass umbrella rigs.

Born to fish,forced to work!!!




Adevarul e ca m-am uitat la astfel de bancuri de pestisori primavara la dezghetz.
Bang! ii lovea o dihaie de stiuca de arunca vreo  4-5 pe gheata, apoi mergeau in alta directie, pe urma ii luau in primire bibanii, si tot asa, toate vietuitoarele baltii mancau din ei, pina au ramas doar cativa ca in "palaria" aia de o prezinti.

Eu ma gandesc sa folosesc momeli potrivite anotimpului. Si sunt mai mult un pescar de fund ( :) fara mistouri va rog). adica nu prea sunt eu mare meserias in a juca vlblere pe boada pe bot samd.
Eu tarasc lipitori racusori si alte aratari de silicon pe fundul apei. acolo unde e peshtele  ;)  . Si cand dau la crap sau somn, nu ma complic cu 2 carlige.  Unu' e sufficient.

Adica il cred pe pictoru' cand spune ca elicopteru' ala o enerveaza sau o sperie pe stiuca, d-aia il mushca. 10 pestisori nu prezinta nici o tentatie, mai ales vara. Cumatra e lacoma si vrea sa inghita chestii cat ea de mari :) Nici nu se deranjageaza pentru prichindeii aia. Zic si eu....  Adica, daca as fi stiuca, de ce m-as duce sa mananc floricele, cand am friptura "la botu' calului".


Citat din: Mihaif99 din Martie 20, 2014, 05:45:10 AM

Adica il cred pe pictoru' cand spune ca elicopteru' ala o enerveaza sau o sperie pe stiuca, d-aia il mushca. 10 pestisori nu prezinta nici o tentatie, mai ales vara. Cumatra e lacoma si vrea sa inghita chestii cat ea de mari :) Nici nu se deranjageaza pentru prichindeii aia. Zic si eu....  Adica, daca as fi stiuca, de ce m-as duce sa mananc floricele, cand am friptura "la botu' calului".

Mihai , nu-i chiar asa .....  ;)
Realitatea este ca spinnerele imita bancuri de pesti . Aici , la 1' 38'' , vezi cum evolueaza asta in apa :  Spinnerbait Fishing for Bass- Prime Conditions
Pe langa asta cauta sa vezi un spinnerbait intr-un bazin de teste , intr-o piscina ( eu toata vara , cat am apa in piscina , probez naluci . Zice lumea ca-s dilau !  ;D ;D ;D . Ba cate unu' mai face si misto , cica "Pictore , daca esti cuminte iti bagam si peste-n ea";D ;D ;D ) sau chiar in apa limpede din barca sau de pe mal . Ai sa fi uluit cat de bine imita .

Perfect adevarat ca stiuca prefera exemplare rasarite , dar de multe ori se repede "la gramada" , unde stie ca macar pe unul din cei mici ii va prinde . Logic daca o luam , pentru ea este vanatoarea cu cel mai mic efort depus .

Si uite cateva spinnere cu care-am dat si-au dat randament peste asteptari : ( ai film in link )
Si evident , "dragostea mea cea mare" , .... elicopteru' aspersor !  ;D , o naluca de suprafata , ideala pentru pescuitul in ape mici sau cu multa vegetatie :

Interesant este ca cel putin in Romania preturile au scazut , sunt accesibile . S-au aliniat puterii noastre de cumparare . Primul elicopter l-am luat cam prin 2010 si-am dat pe el in jur de .... 55 ron ! Vezi bine , acum e sub jumate din acea suma .......


Uite si ..... extraterestrul asta ! N-am dat cu el dar am ferma convingere ca face serviciu exemplar la somn si salau :

Rugby Craw


Citat din: modi din Martie 20, 2014, 07:19:23 AM
Uite si ..... extraterestrul asta ! N-am dat cu el dar am ferma convingere ca face serviciu exemplar la somn si salau :

Rugby Craw

Sa vezi cum scoate si Bass smallmouth.  Siliconul e de baza :)  Monturi cu carlige enorme 2.0 sau 3.0 cu deschideri de 2-3 cm. Tot felul de mnturi de fund, mai ales pe plumbi culisanti (Texas rig). Cand il simti ca o ia ii dai cateva secunde sa o absoarba, lasi firul moale, si pe urma il lovesti ;)  Pe o lanseta scurta ultra sensibila, simti excat ce face. Superb !
Pentru salau merge combinat cu un jig, dar salaul nu e asa de lacom la chestii mari.  As prefera un silicon mai mic.

La somn prefer naturalul siliconului. Pe un carlig  "circle hook"  serios,  si cu plumb de sacrificiu pentru ca nu imi place sa scot carligul din burta pestelul si nici sa pierd pestele pentru ca mi s-a intepenit plumbul in bolovani.


Citat din: modi din Martie 20, 2014, 07:16:39 AM
Citat din: Mihaif99 din Martie 20, 2014, 05:45:10 AM

Adica il cred pe pictoru' cand spune ca elicopteru' ala o enerveaza sau o sperie pe stiuca, d-aia il mushca. 10 pestisori nu prezinta nici o tentatie, mai ales vara. Cumatra e lacoma si vrea sa inghita chestii cat ea de mari :) Nici nu se deranjageaza pentru prichindeii aia. Zic si eu....  Adica, daca as fi stiuca, de ce m-as duce sa mananc floricele, cand am friptura "la botu' calului".

Mihai , nu-i chiar asa .....  ;)

Ma refeream la "elicopter", adica buzz. Spinnerbaitul imi place, mai ales cel cu lingurite ca frunza de salcie, si fustita alba, asa cum am mai zis.


Citat din: Mihaif99 din Martie 20, 2014, 07:52:38 PM

Adica il cred pe pictoru' cand spune ca elicopteru' ala o enerveaza sau o sperie pe stiuca, d-aia il mushca. 10 pestisori nu prezinta nici o tentatie, mai ales vara. Cumatra e lacoma si vrea sa inghita chestii cat ea de mari :) Nici nu se deranjageaza pentru prichindeii aia. Zic si eu....  Adica, daca as fi stiuca, de ce m-as duce sa mananc floricele, cand am friptura "la botu' calului".

Spinnerbaitul imi place, mai ales cel cu lingurite ca frunza de salcie, si fustita alba, asa cum am mai zis.

Un articol complet si extrem de detaliat , de explicit , scris de Razvan de la WSB , unul dintre cei mai dibaci pescari de spinning din cati am cunoscut :

Deosebita este si prezentarea , articolul fiind de-o eleganta si-un rafinament cum poate multi ziaristi sau scriitori n-ar fi in stare sa o faca .


Eu v-am adus un articol , dar va sugerez sa "rasfoiti" tot site-ul WSB-ului :  . E doldora de informatie pertinenta .


P.S. Impreuna cu doi dintre oamenii de la care-am invatat muuuuuuult spinning .
Adelin Avram , un pescar desavarsit , cu o rabdare si-o ambitie absolut iesita din comun , si
Gigi Semlecan , pescar ghidus , pus pe sotii permanent , si convins ca "si in apa ploii stransa pe asfalt se poate prinde peste . Numa' sa vrei ! "

La fel , cei doi sunt oamenii ce mi-au pus prima oara un spinnerbait in mana si mi-au sugerat razand :

- Pictore , ce PLM te uiti ca curca-n lemne ? Agat-o de fir si arunca cu ea !
- Da , mah ? Sunteti vorbiti cu astia de pe garla sa le-aduceti un fraier sa le stranga bradisu' ?
- No , d-apai fa cum zicem noi . Si de-oi prinde ..... bradis dam noi berea .......


Salut Modi,uite ce mi-am comandat....Abia astept sa strang ceva bradis... ;D
Born to fish,forced to work!!!


De spinnerbaiturile lui Berti ce pareri aveti ? Prinzatoare ?


Am gasit acest articol despre pescuitul cu linguri oscilante; contine o serie de informatii bune pentru cei ce doresc sa se initieze in acest gen de pescuit, asa ca am decis sa postez link-ul aici: