Un film asteptat

Creat de Emi Emi, Martie 29, 2015, 11:36:42 PM

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Fain, da' cam mult dureaza sa-l termine estima initiala era 2013 acum e 2015.


Pentru cei interesati: primele link-uri (vimeo) nu mai functioneaza, dar este vorba de "Vanishing Sail" din 2015 . Sau mai complet, "Vanishing Sail - A Caribbean Tradition on the Verge of Extinction " .

Trailer Vanishing Sail #1 (youtube)

Trailer Vanishing Sail #2 (youtube)

Site oficial: http://www.vanishingsail.com/

Descriere Vimeo:
Citat"On the tiny island of Carriacou in the West Indies, the last wooden sailboat builder dreams of saving a great tradition passed down the generations from Scottish settlers that sailed there centuries ago.
The film follows Alywn Enoe's journey of determination and resilience over three years, from hauling trees with his sons, to a final traditional launching ceremony. Stories of the old Caribbean - trading by sail and smuggling contraband interweave a tribute to the independent spirit of a small island community."

Descriere mai veche de pe site-ul vanishingsail.com (regasita prin waybackmachine):
Citat"Filmed in the Grenadines, Vanishing Sail tells the story of trading by sail in the West Indies, and follows a community of boat builders in Carriacou who struggle to maintain their tenuous grip on a dying skill.
Through a collection of dramatic sailing scenes, rare archival footage and unprecedented interviews with the last old, Caribbean Sea Captains, Vanishing Sail seeks to preserve the legacy of boatbuilding in the Grenadines, introduced by Scottish settlers in the 19th century, and hopes to revive interest in the art form before it expires on the heels of progress."


Surse: nici una "alternativa"  ;)   8) :) >:(
Am cautat destul de mult si n-am gasit nici un torent si nimic online, cu exceptia continutului oferit pe vimeo.
Vedeti oferta aici :  https://vimeo.com/ondemand/vanishingsail

Daca exista cineva care a reusit sa-l procure, il rog sa ma contacteze. Dupa cum se vede, oferta online presupune fie inchiriere de streaming (5.99 USD/48 ore) , fie cumparare (12.99 USD / Stream anytime). Fluxul video se poate captura, dar vreau sa stiu daca exista si alti interesati si sa facem treaba in comun.

Numai bine!
Toate cele bune !

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