Ocean Globe Race 2023 - 2024

Creat de simba_the_sailor, Octombrie 22, 2023, 10:05:52 PM

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"La Translated, credem în oameni
Producem traduceri excelente combinând creativitatea umană cu inteligența artificială. Credem că, făcând echipă cu oameni minunați, cu valori și atitudini profunde, putem depăși orice provocare.

Pentru a sărbători acest lucru, Marco Trombetti, CEO și fondator al Translated, a venit cu o idee: să participe, ca un adevărat outsider, împreună cu o echipă uimitoare atât de profesioniști, cât și de neprofesioniști, la Ocean Globe Race 2023."


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke


"Marco Trombetti received the highest number of public votes in the boat owner category dedicated to "the owner who achieved the best results" 💪 for the 2024 Sailor of the Year award, the prestigious accolade organized by the Giornale della Vela, now in its 33rd edition. We want to thank everyone who has supported us. Marco's votes reflect a commitment to a human-centered project where values like resilience, friendship, optimism, and problem-solving were crucial in overcoming seemingly impossible challenges ⛵🌊.
👉 On Saturday, May 25, the main square of Marina Cala de'Medici will host the Champions' Evening, where the Sailor of the Year winners, the Oscars of Italian sailing, will be honored. The event is open to everyone.

We believe in humans

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke