Ziua Pamantului

Creat de simba_the_sailor, Aprilie 22, 2024, 11:58:53 AM

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Ziua Pamantului, avand ca tema aleasa, copacii, padurile, ecoterorismul si efectele acestui act comis in cunostinta de cauza: incalzirea globala si schimbarile climatice


- 89 % din incendiile de vegetatie si paduri sunt cauzate de oameni și marea majoritate a acestor incendii sunt aprinse in mod deliberat de ecoteroristi;

-in 2023, in total, au fost  53.685 de incendii de vegetatie si paduri care au generat aproximativ 2100 de megatone de CO2,


toate acestea, bineinteles,  ajungand  in atmosfera, ingrosand acea patura de CO2 in jurul Pamantului si nepermitand excesului de caldura sa se disipeze in spatiu, al carui temperatura este de minus 270 de grade Celsius;

- si cu cat aerul din atmosera este mai cald, cu atat detine mai multi vapori de apa;

- si mama natura se intoarce si se razbuna prin ciclul, brutal, al apei;

-pe alocuri ploaie deloc,

-pe alocuri prea multa si toata deoadata,




Jos ecoterorismul!

Iubiti copacii si padurile!

Plantati copaci, multi, cat de multi!


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke


Ecoteroristii, ("gandaci de foc", "piromani", "bombardieri de incediu", etc. etc.) in vasta majoritate a cazurilor comit un act ecoterorist atunci cand doar trei conditii sint indeplinite, 
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke



Si cateva sfaturi de la oameni care s-au confruntat si se confrunta cu elemente ecoteroriste,

If you live, work or visiting a bushfire-prone area then it's important to be on the lookout for firebugs.

That's why it is important to understand the types of suspicious behaviour and how to make a report – because an arsonist may be practicing in your area.

Remember that when you make a report to Crime Stoppers there is no obligation to say who you are, just share what you know.

Arsonists are known to often ignite small fires, practicing their methods before escalating to larger and potentially more deadly fires.

What may appear to be an insignificant fire may demonstrate an arsonist's pattern of crime. If that behaviour is left undetected, the arsonist may continue lighting fires, which could lead to devastating results.

So, if you are out for a hike, run, drive or picnic, look out for:

People acting unusually, or wearing unusual clothing — they just don't seem to fit. For example, not dressed for a trail walk, looking nervous when you pass.
If something or someone makes you stop and wonder what's going on. Try and remember their age, sex, weight, height, hair colour or clothing.
A vehicle or driver looks out of place; take note of registration number, make, model, colour and any distinguishing features (such as dents, stickers).\
Some arsonists practice with small fires before igniting a larger one, so if you see signs of burnt out spot fires or anything suspicious then it is important to report it.
It is also important for people to know which number to call and why"


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
 Edmund Burke