Dacia - un yacht englezesc celebru

Creat de lipan, Ianuarie 04, 2015, 10:49:35 AM

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Răscolind internetul am aflat că primul proiect al lui Charles Ernest Nicholson (1868-1954 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ernest_Nicholson ),  un yacht designer de la şantierul  Camper & Nicholsons, cel mai vechi şantier de agrement din lume, a fost yacht-ul Dacia (33,93 picioare) care a fost construit în anul 1891, la acest şantier.

Anul 1892 a fost numit anul ,,Dacia" întrucât acest yacht a câştigat 23 de curse, la categoria sa, potrivit http://www.gutenberg.org/files/41971/41971-h/41971-h.htm :
Anul următor a câştigat doar 12:

The 5-Raters, 1892.
This may be termed 'Dacia's' year, when a young and comparatively unknown designer succeeded in lowering the colours of Mr. Payne where others had so signally failed.
'Dacia' was built at Gosport for Mr. R. H. Langrishe from a design by Mr. C. Nicholson (jun.). For her dimensions, &c., see table for 5-raters (p. 274). She carries her sail well, but is probably built too light. In the middle of the racing season she had to lay up for a time and have a new stem fitted, presumably because the bow was straining. She carries a deep fin-keel, which draws about 8.5 feet. It is coppered. Her O.H. both fore and aft is extreme, and her sailing length is thereby considerably increased when sailing even at moderate speeds. But her success must also be due to a well-considered design as a whole, because her strongest point is clawing to windward, which she does in a marvellous way, blow high blow low, and her great length cannot assist her much on this point of sailing.
She cost no more than other boats of the same rating, but when the Earl of Dudley took a fancy to her, Mr. Langrishe sold her early in the season for 'four figures,' it is said; and she was worth it, for it is better to have one successful than two unsuccessful racers. Early in September she raced a rubber of matches against the Clyde crack 'Natica,' Tor Bay being selected as the 'neutral water.' The stakes were heavy, and she won two out of the three races, being steered to victory by her designer.[10] During the season Lord Dudley generally steered her himself, but her designer steered at Tor Bay.

The 5-Raters, 1893.
'Red Lancer's' record of 11 first prizes in 13 starts is exceedingly good. The start for the Squadron race on Aug. 3 is not counted against her, as the first prize should have been awarded to her. She always won easily in light weather, and it required half a gale for 'Dacia' to get in front of her. Before 'Red Lancer's' arrival, at the end of July, 'Dacia' scored by far the best of the Solent trio, the other two boats ('Quinque' and 'Fleur-de-Lis') being a good match inter se.
In mentioning these well-known names, it would be impossible to forget a name which will always be linked with the year 1892—viz. Mr. J. H. Nicholson, jun., of the firm of Messrs. Nicholson & Sons, Gosport, the successful designer of the 5-rater 'Dacia' and the 2½-rater 'Gareth.' His boats are unique, and though they partake of the canoe form, still it is the shape adopted by Mr. Nicholson for his keel, and the design itself, which brought his name so prominently forward during the season of 1892 as one of the most successful designers in England. The 5-rater 'Dacia,' which he designed and built in 1892 for Mr. H. R. Langrishe, and which now belongs to Lord Dudley, proved herself far superior in all weathers to the yachts of her rating in the South. Most of the raters were designed with a square stern above water, whatever their shape might have been below; but the 'Dacia' is counter-sterned, and carries her ribbands fair from stem to taffrail, as far as can be judged from a long-distance view when she was hauled up. Whatever her length may be on the L.W.L., it must with a large crew aboard be so considerably increased as to almost make her another boat. At all events, she is a fine specimen of the advanced type of rater, and is good in all weathers.
She has been very successful in the North, and as great curiosity was felt regarding her capabilities when compared with the South-country boats, she sailed round, and met the 'Dacia' at Torquay Regatta, where the best of three matches were won by 'Dacia.' It would have been better, perhaps, had the matches taken place off Holyhead—vide the case of the 'Vril,' 'Camellia,' and 'Freda'; however, there is no reason to disparage them as not giving a true indication of the respective merits of both yachts. So many races come off, both on the Solent and on the Clyde, in numerical comparison with what took place a few years ago, that the owners of small yachts rarely care now to go far away from home on the chance of obtaining sport when it lies comfortably to hand; but it is a thing to be encouraged, and when yachts have proved themselves champions in any particular waters, a trysting place should be chosen for the little winners to meet and try conclusions. This would also make yachtsmen anxious to possess not merely a racing machine, but a boat capable of going from port to port with a certain amount of comfort to her crew.

Ce am mai găsit pe net relativ la acest yacht:

În ediţia de duminică a ziarului australian  The Sydney Morning Herald din data de 21 March 1908 (http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/14948106) următorul paragraf: 

Commencing with quite small craft, Lord Dudley learnt to handle larger and larger raters. Hs first venture was the Dacia, a 5-rater, and it is doubtful if he has won more prizes or enjoyed more sport with any of his later yachts bought from Mr. Langrishe at a stiff figure. The Dacia is credited with having won 23 first and 4 other prizes out of 31 races in which she sailed in 1902, and in most of those contests her owner steered. His next purchase, the Vigorna, a 20-rater, built In 1893 by Camper and Nicholson, was a failure, but another boat, constructed by Nicholson, the Inyoni, showed her heels more than once to all the 20 fleet. The Earl has been a member of the Royal Southampton, Royal Thames, Solent Castle, and Royal Vic- toria Yacht Clubs, and vice-commodore of the Royal Portsmouth Corinthian.

Întrebarea care mi-am pus-o a fost de unde şi până unde un englez îşi botează primul yacht pe care îl face Dacia?
Să vă țină Dumnezeu obiceiul!

Capitanul Nemo

Dacia este un nume feminin destul de raspandit. Un faimos munte submarin poarta acest nume. Originea sa este gaelica, neavand nicio legatura cu provincia romana omonima.
"Not all the wanderers are lost" J.R.R. Tolkien


Bun topic.
N-am stiut nici de ambarcatiunea Dacia, dar nici de numele Dacia ca fiind si altceva decat unul al meleagurilor noastre :)
Cat traieste, omul invata .