New handmade boat on water (
Please discuss this boat
Citat din: amariner din Mai 07, 2012, 10:04:41 AM
Please discuss this boat
Crasivaia rabotaet.
Nice work.
Welcome on our forum, amariner. We are honored that you joined our boating community. Some of us grew up reading the russian magazine "Katera i Iahti", so your presence on the forum, as a well-known sailboat designer from an ex-soviet country, is very appreciated.
I like very much your designs, and the interesting fact is your website has the most abundant boatbuilding updates from all the websites I follow. The yacht "Olga", built by Igor Berejnoi, is my favourite boatbuilding story, and an example to follow:
The yacht that you present us in this topic - Tempro 25 - has a very modern cruiser-racer type design, and even it has a multichine hull, the lines of the boat are very pleasant. I think one of the most important feature of the boat it's the trailerability, because of the maximum beam of 2,5 meters. As you pointed on your website, a trailerable boat is the optimum choice for those who don't want to pay the high prices in the marina, during or off-season.
I think you designed the Tempro 25 as a versatile small cruiser for the coastal regions of the Black Sea. I like the 3 alternative keels, which make the boat suitable for a variety of cruising areas:
- the centerboard housed by the profiled ballast
- the bulbed mobile daggerboard
- the fixed bulbed keel - in this last case, I think the seaworthiness of the boat is enough even for longer passages.
A feature I also like in your designs is the spacious and ample internal layout, seldom seen in a boat of this size, which also has the fine entry angle of a modern cruiser-racer. I did not find however any clue about the headroom, but in a total length of 25 feet I think it's hard to get standing headroom. Finally the standing headroom it's not a big issue, I think the boat's trailerability is more important :).
Our country being a riverain of the Black Sea, I think the Tempro 25 design would be very adequate for the romanian amateur boatbuilders, the advantages being the dimensions, the performance of the boat and the trailerability. One minor problem in our country is the absence of a good marine or even exterior grade plywood at a reasonable price. The ply-on-frame boat building technique is known to be the one with the highest percentage of finished and launched boats, from all the amateur boatbuilding techniques.
I am very interested to continue this discussion, and to also discuss your other designs. If possible, maybe you can tell us some other details about the design, which you consider to be of interest.
Thanks again for your presence on our forum, Vali A., Galati, Romania.
thank you
The Tempro-25's headroom is 1.65m. I used ФСФ plywood, which is available in the former Soviet Union regions and it is cheap enough. It is an exterior grade plywood with enough water resistance. Hull is GRP covered of course(two layer 200-250gr/m2 glass cloth).
In Romania we have 2 types of plywood suitable for boat building:
- the BFU 100 Okoume combi plywood - this si an exterior grade plywood, which contains alternate okoume and poplar veneers inside, and the bonding of the veneers is waterproof. It was used by many amateurs for buiding small boats, with good results. However my opinion is it's price is too big for it's quality.
- the WBP Pine plywood - also an exterior grade, but of poorer quality (it contains some internal voids). The veneers are bonded with waterproof glue too. This plywood was rarely used, and so far no one used it for building any boat hull. We want to make some tests, because the price is good. But I doubt it's quality is good enough for building a sailboat hull.
Maybe it would be ok to build the hull in okoume and the internal layout in pine plywood.
In the technical data there are 2 numbers regarding the boat's displacement: 1,8 T and 2,2 T. I assume the first is the "light" displacement, and the second the cruising displacement (fully loaded boat).
If possible, maybe you can post the ballast value, for each of the 3 keel versions - centerboard, bulbed mobile daggerboard and ballasted fixed keel. The boat design category (according to European Directive 94/25/EC) for each type of keel is also of interest ( I think it is C- Inshore, or B - Offshore).
And last but not least, it would be ok if we could know the price for the building plans for the Tempro 25. If there is any problem in posting it on the forum, it can be sent by private message.
Thanks again amariner, and sorry for my delayed post :).
Of course, the better plywood the better would be boat.
Ballast weights are for:
- centerboard (compromise - low draft falsekeel (lead filled)+centerplate) = 465 kg. VCG=0.62m from BaseLine
- liftkeel with lead bulb (+trunk) = 380 kg. VCG = 0.58m from BaseLine
- finkeel (bulbed lead filled) =650 kg. VCG = 0.38m from BL
The displacement difference depend on mass of ballast and engine (inboard installed/outboard)
All data are for full loaded boats
I calculate STIX coefficient and it is 28.8 for boat with CG=0.6m from Baseline, so boat falls into the category B (14-32), and if the CG is lower, then STIX would be better.
Dear amariner, first of all thanks very much for your last answer. You gave us an important clue about the seaworthiness of Tempro 25.
I like the most the bulbed lifting keel, because of it's light displacement and shallow draft. The only drawback could be the lesser protection to grounding when the keel is down (it does not fold if it hits the bottom). But I think the design contains some kind of crashbox for this event.
Having the VCG at 0.58m from BaseLine, it is 2 cm below the value where you calculated the STIX coefficient. So this coefficient would be better and more than satisfactory, and the boat also falls into the B (Offshore) category, a very attractive option for a trailable boat.
In my opinion the boat's advantages are:
- the boat is trailable
- it has 3 keel versions, and it's seaworthiness is very good
- it is a fast cruiser-racer, with very modern lines
- it is easy, quite economical and relatively fast to build
- it can be equipped with inboard or outboard engine
- it has a spacious and well conceived interior layout
I think there is enough information about the boat for those who want to make a decision about building it. However the information on your website is the most comprehensive, and the additions you posted on our forum completed the picture.
I am interested by the building plans, so if possible, maybe you can send me a private message containing the price for the boat plans. If not, tell me please how to contact you to get this information.
Last but not least, I want to apologise for the delayed answers, and I think you have to get used with this :). It usually takes some time for me to study in detail the offers and to compare them. I find your offer very attractive, and a big plus is your presence on our boating forum, for which we thank you again.